WINNESHIEK COUNTY. 1101   Previous     Next

The members of the Winneshiek county bar are as follows: G. W. Adams, E. R. Acres, Arthur F. Amundsen, Howard F. Barthell, C. S. Boice, N. M. Berg, M. J. Garter, Elmer W. Cutting, M. A. Harmon, C. N. Houck, E. P. Johnson, Eugene G. Johnson, Perry S. Johnson, J. B. Kaye, R. F. B. Portman, Frank Sayre, Dan Shea, Wm. Strand and Norman Willett.
Levi Bullis was born at Schuyler Falls, Clinton County, N. Y., April 5, 1828, where the foundation for his long and honorable professional career of more than forty-eight years was laid by a good common school course, and later by a thorough education acquired at Ballston Springs law school. Mr. Bullis left his native state in 1853, and after spending a year in Illinois and several months at Portage City, Wisconsin, came in 1854 to Decorah and took up his residence and entered upon the practice of his profession, which he so dearly loved and which he followed with indefatigable zeal to the very last hour. His death removes from our midst the last survivor of the pioneer bar of Winneshiek county, and all but three of the pioneer practitioners of the old judicial district. Mr. Bullis was a representative type of the old school of the legal profession. A constant student, an inveterate reader, both in his profession and in general, Mr. Bullis acquired a vast accumulation of knowledge, and gathered about hint one of the most extensive and valuable private law libraries, supplemented by biography, history, travel and literary works, to be found in the state. And this library was always at the welcome disposal of his legal associates and personal friends, and many a young student will ever, while life lasts, hold in grateful memory his kindness and assistance in this respect. A sense of loneliness comes to this writer when he thinks that no more will our eyes, as they wander from our


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